Archive for the "Market Conditions" Category
Marijuana Use and Drug Testing
It’s a new era, people…with some interesting challenges. Now that recreational marijuana is legal in 9 states, and medical marijuana is legal in 30 states, there are some interesting ramifications. A recent Gallup poll showed that 64% of Americans favor legalization, and it seems to me that 10 years from now (if not much sooner!)
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In Market Conditions
New Law with Big Implications
A new law is going into effect November 1st that will have important implications for anyone involved in interviewing and hiring. New York is joining Philadelphia and Massachusetts in legislation prohibiting both companies and the recruiters that serve them by asking job candidates about their salary. The intention is to prevent the exploitation of those
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In Market Conditions
Keepin’ up with the times…
We have received 2 search assignments this week for Campaign Managers. In case you haven’t kept up, that’s the new name for Digital Analyst. (May also involve project management). Just so you know…
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In Market Conditions
Bait & switch Job Applicants
When I initially learned of “phoney interviewers”, I didn’t take it seriously. Now that I have seen this in two different arenas, I am thinking that perhaps this is a legitimate concern. Can this really be? One person takes the interview, and another person shows up for the job? Please weigh in if you have
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In Market Conditions
How was your 2014?
Growth…and change…are good things. But while you are experiencing them, they may not seem so. The past year was one of growth for Crandall Associates. We are a mature company; in business since 1973. We are very fortunate to have an established brand, and a solid reputation in the direct and digital marketing channels. It
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In Market Conditions
Interesting that I would make this observation during an election week. But I have spoken with 3 people this week who are exploring their career options not because there is anything inherently wrong with their job responsibilities…and not because they are unhappy with their compensation…but because they crave stable leadership. The first candidate said, “I
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In Market Conditions
Social Media Conversation Prism
What is The Conversation Prism? Developed in 2008 by Brian Solis, The Conversation Prism is a visual map of the social media landscape. It’s an ongoing study in digital ethnography that tracks dominant and promising social networks and organizes them by how they’re used in everyday life. You can use the Conversation Prism poster in
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In Articles
Marilyn Zayfert, President of illumiNET Digital Marketing
Last night I attended a meeting of the Social Media Association of Long Island in which Marilyn Zayfert, President of illumiNET Digital Marketing, was the speaker. Marilyn rose to prominence in her community during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. She used her knowledge of leveraging social media to amplify awareness, raise funds and spread information.
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In Articles
Great piece in today’s Ladders newsletter: Are you becoming obsolete at work?
Amanda Augustine wrote a solid piece for today’s Ladders newsletter about remaining relevant at work. Here are the high points: Never stop learning: The quickest way to lose your edge is to be stagnant in your career. Don’t let yourself become so comfortable that you stop challenging yourself. Be a trend setter: Make it a
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In Articles