Dec 31, 2014

How was your 2014?

Posted by Wendy Weber

Growth…and change…are good things.  But while you are experiencing them, they may not seem so.

The past year was one of growth for Crandall Associates.  We are a mature company; in business since 1973.  We are very fortunate to have an established brand, and a solid reputation in the direct and digital marketing channels.

It is easy to keep our noses to the grindstone, and keep doing what we’ve always done.  And mostly, it works well!

2014 was a year of examination, introspection, and action.  We shook things up a bit, with some changes in staff, infrastructure, and attitude.  Some changes were easier than others.  Some changes derailed us for a while!  But the overall result of the changes made was very positive.  Once you take your nose off the grindstone, you begin to examine what’s possible, and the more changes we implemented, the more we considered additional changes.

Of course, most of these changes were invisible to you.  (Except our website!).  But they resulted in more comprehensive executive searches, better communication with our clients & candidates, the ability to reach a broader spectrum of executives, and greater employee satisfaction at Crandall Associates.

Change is tiring.  And scary!  And frankly, I wouldn’t mind putting my nose back to the grindstone, and doing what I do best…recruiting.

But we’re not done yet.  More changes scheduled for 1st quarter 2015.  Then I think we’ll allow the dust to settle, at least for a while, while we evaluate the changes made and look forward towards the future.

I hope 2014 was good to you, and that 2015 will be even better.
