Nov 5, 2014


Posted by Wendy Weber

Interesting that I would make this observation during an election week.  But I have spoken with 3 people this week who are exploring their career options not because there is anything inherently wrong with their job responsibilities…and not because they are unhappy with their compensation…but because they crave stable leadership.

The first candidate said, “I feel like I am on a rudderless ship“.

The second candidate said, “I work for a family owned company, and it’s dysfunctional.  I now realize it will never change because the leaders set the tone“.

The third candidate said, “We are on our fourth CEO in 3 years!“.

Ironic that although people complain about their bosses, they feel insecure in the absence of a strong one.  The importance of strong leadership cannot be underestimated.

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves”.


If your organization is without a strong leader, your people cannot flourish.
