Jan 21, 2015

DMFA Meeting at Covenant House

Posted by Wendy Weber

Today I went to a Direct Marketing Fundraising Association lunch at Covenant House in NYC. I brought along Adrienne Levine, one of the Crandall Associates researchers, since she does a lot of our nonprofit sourcing.
With Adrienne

It was an informative session, and also fun on many levels because one of the speakers was a client of mine:
Angela Struebing
Angela Struebing, President of CDR Fundraising Group

And one of the speakers was someone that I have placed:
John Perell
John Perell, Director of Direct Response at the Smithsonian Institution

Plus, the information was relevant:
Segmentation chart

Some fun facts that I learned:

o Make sure you say “you” more than you say “I” in a donor letter
o Putting a remit envelope in any mail sent to donors can drive a 10-15% response; even in a donation acknowledgement
o Although telemarketing revenue is on the decline, people who are “telemarketing responsive” are more likely to give a bequest than mail donors

I don’t get out enough! Always enjoyable to get out from behind my desk and actually meet the people I work with and for.
