Feb 10, 2014

Direct and Digital Marketing Salaries

Posted by Wendy Weber

Crandall Associates publishes a Guide to Salaries in Direct & Digital Marketing. We have published an annual update every year for over 20 years.

It’s a good amount of work to compile low, average and high salary ranges for dozens of positions. We cross-tabulate the salaries our candidates claim to be making with the salary ranges our clients provide when hiring. We generally know enough people in an organization to be able to double-check whether reported salary claims are accurate. Our Guides have proved to be quite reliable. If you ask the Direct Marketing Association where to secure information on salaries in direct marketing, they actually refer you to us!

So this is my current challenge:

Crandall Associates usually sends out a press release with a “story” outlining the notable information revealed in each year’s guide. I’ve been struggling to come up with one this year.

I was watching the morning news last week, and Jill Schlesinger, of CBS2 New’s “JillonMoney”, articulated what I was thinking: “We have not seen real wage growth in almost a decade”.

That is not to say that there haven’t been some positions that haven’t enjoyed real growth…especially in some of the new channels, including search and social. But in terms of a “story”, there is not much to tell. That’s not necessary a bad thing…the job market has been steadily, though slowly, marching forward.

However, escalating salaries are always more fun to talk about!

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[slide title=”Direct & Digital Marketing National Salary Guide” image=”http://crandallassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/salary-guide-pic1.png”]

[slide title=”Digital Marketing National Salary Guide” image=”http://crandallassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Digital-Marketing-National-Salary-Guide.png”]

[slide title=”Guide to Position Descriptions in Direct & Digital Marketing” image=”http://crandallassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Guide-to-Position-Descriptions.png”]

