Archive for the "Articles" Category
A/B Testing
In a Harvard Business Review piece called The Surprising Power of Online Experiments, authors Ron Kohavi and Stefan Thomke share insights on how accurate and rigorous A/B testing can yield very significant payoffs. In an A/B test the experimenter sets up 2 options; “A” is the control (the way things are already done) and “B”
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Against Job Interviews
Fascinating piece in the New York Times this weekend, titled “Against Job Interviews“. The problem, according to author Jason Dana, is that employers like to use free-form, unstructured interviews in an attempt to “get to know” a job candidate. But interviewers typically form strong but unwarranted impressions about interviewees, often revealing more about themselves than
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Fun at Work? Lack of Job Satisfaction is said to hurt us emotionally and financially
Interesting piece in the New York Times… “Two out of three working Americans do not feel engaged at work, according to a Gallup survey. And many of these people spend more of their waking time working than doing anything else.” This is such a shame…and so unnecessary. I cannot speak for all industries, but there
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Never underestimate the importance of Chemistry
Excellent piece in the Wall Street Journal about the importance of chemistry when it comes to your job search: click here. People want to work with people they like, and that “get them”. Of course, the hard skills are critical…but a surprising amount of the hiring decision is based on other factors.
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Difficult Work Environments – Live with it, or leave it – but just don’t stay and complain about it
I had a very close relationship with my late father, founder of Crandall Associates. Hal wouldn’t have characterized me as the “nicest” one of the Crandall siblings, but he respected the way I conducted my life. It’s not that I’m not nice; there are people in my life that have been surprised at my random
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The CMO of the Future
The February issue of DM NEWS featured a piece called CMO Confidential, reporting on the ideal competencies of tomorrow’s CMO: click here to read.
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When is a High Salary a Liability?
A recent piece in the Wall Street Journal highlighted an issue that we have had to deal with from time to time. This is not unique to digital marketing, but certainly relevant to it. The question of “What was your last salary?” frequently emerges early in the interview process, as a way to determine that
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Truth In Salary Negotiations
Interesting piece in the Sunday New York Times on Truth in Salary Negotiations. We, as recruiters, are responsible for securing the salary history of our candidates, and then presenting candidates to our clients with their requirement for a specific role. Our request for this information is generally received without surprise by candidates. We ask, “What are you
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Jobs Go Begging for Lack of Skills
There was recently an article in the Wall Street Journal about employers finding it difficult to fill positions, because they could not identify qualified candidates. “About 33% of 848 small-business owners and chief executives said they had unfilled job openings in June because they couldn’t identify qualified applicants”. One technology company was even quoted as
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Social Media Conversation Prism
What is The Conversation Prism? Developed in 2008 by Brian Solis, The Conversation Prism is a visual map of the social media landscape. It’s an ongoing study in digital ethnography that tracks dominant and promising social networks and organizes them by how they’re used in everyday life. You can use the Conversation Prism poster in
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