Jan 9, 2017

Welcoming your new Employee

Posted by Wendy Weber



You have interviewed, courted and hired your new employee.  They arrive for their first day on the job…excited, perhaps nervous…and possibly still being pursued by other organizations & recruiters.

I call this the “honeymoon phase”.   Because this new relationship is a different type of marriage.  Your new hire will actually spend more time working for you than they will with their partner, friends or extended family.  So please be sure to show them the love!

I have posted several photos of how other companies create a welcome for new employees.  Some are very practical; providing a computer, telephone, pen are expected.  Some are more “fun”; a bottle of rum, a bag of treats, some branded swag.  But all say “Your first day has been eagerly anticipated and we want you to feel welcome”.

first-day-photo-of-deskI have heard stories of new employees who have to spend the first 20 minutes of their first day at a new job swabbing the crud off their dirty keyboard…and stories of new employees who have been assigned welcome ambassadors who show them around their new digs, taking them out to lunch, and introducing them to others.  Which type of company are you?

In the end, most new employees will do their best whatever welcome they receive.  But happy, appreciated employees will share their stories with their friends & families…just as neglected, unappreciated employees will share their stories.  It is so easy – and important – to treat your people well.  And it starts with a first day welcome that says: Welcome!
